English ?? الإنجليزية

05 انجليزي
English ـ Islam – Ma’had As-Sunnah Supervised by Dr. Haytham Sarhaan
اللغة الانجلزية
Ma’had As-Sunnah Supervised by Dr. Haytham Sarhaan










Learn and play kids Channel For children in the English language Shaykh Haytham Sarhān اطفال انجليزي

05/17 اصول انجليزي Explanation of The Three Fundamental Principles (Usool Thalatha) By Shaikh Sarhaan In English #English
05/23 صوم انجليزي The Book of Fasting Siyam
05/06 دروس انجليزي ?? Explanation of the text ‘Important Lessons for the Muslims’: A book translated into English, written by Dr Haytham Sarhān

05/02 سيرة انجليزي Lessons from the Biography of the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam ـ Life of the Prophet (ﷺ)

مناطق التحدث بها: بريطانيا، أمريكا الشمالية، أستراليا، نيوزيلندا؛ وهي اللغة الثانية في كثير من بلاد العالم
عدد الناطقين بها: أكثر من ١٢۰۰ مليون

Summary of rights called for by Fitrah

Share this book                  ملخص حُقوق دعت إليها الفطرة وقرَّرتها الشريعة باللغة العربية لابن عثيمين رحمه الله Summary of rights called for by Fitrah (instinct/natural disposition) and approved by the Shari’ah (Islamic legislation) in the English language. By Ibn Uthaymeen – may Allah have mercy on him. 1ـ حقُّ الله تعالى أن تعبده وحده لا شريك […]

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Why all muslims love Muhammed my peace and blessings be upon him

Why all muslims love Muhammed my peace and blessings be upon him ? (folded up)

Share this book                  Who is the Prophet and what did he teach us? a monograph in english by Dr. Haitham Sarhan, discussing how great the Prophet—peace be upon him—and his religious beliefs are. من هو النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وماذا علمنا؟ كتيب باللغة الإنجليزية ، ألفه الدكتور هيثم سرحان، يبين فيه عظمة النبي صلى

Why all muslims love Muhammed my peace and blessings be upon him ? (folded up) Read More »

Refinement of A Message in Wudhoo Ghusl and Salah Muhammad ibn Saleh al-Othaimeen

Share this book                  Description of wudhu, tayammum and Ghusl: a banner in english by His Eminence Dr. Haitham Sarhan, bearing a brief illustrated description of how the Prophet—peace be upon him—performed wudhu (ablution), tayammum (dry ablution) and ghusl (total ablution). صفة الوضوء والتيمم والغسل:لوحة مصورة باللغة الإنجليزية ، من إعداد فضيلة الشيخ الدكتور هيثم سرحان،

Refinement of A Message in Wudhoo Ghusl and Salah Muhammad ibn Saleh al-Othaimeen Read More »

Summary of rights called for by Fitrah

Share this book                  ملخص حُقوق دعت إليها الفطرة وقرَّرتها الشريعة باللغة العربية لابن عثيمين رحمه الله Summary of rights called for by Fitrah (instinct/natural disposition) and approved by the Shari’ah (Islamic legislation) in the English language. By Ibn Uthaymeen – may Allah have mercy on him. 1ـ حقُّ الله تعالى أن تعبده وحده لا شريك

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Share this book                  Who is the Prophet and what did he teach us? a monograph in english by Dr. Haitham Sarhan, discussing how great the Prophet—peace be upon him—and his religious beliefs are. من هو النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وماذا علمنا؟ كتيب باللغة الإنجليزية ، ألفه الدكتور هيثم سرحان، يبين فيه عظمة النبي صلى

Prophet-Muhammad-peace-be-upon-him Read More »

Who was Prophet Muhammad, and what did he teach us?

Share this book                  Who is the Prophet and what did he teach us? a monograph in english by Dr. Haitham Sarhan, discussing how great the Prophet—peace be upon him—and his religious beliefs are. من هو النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وماذا علمنا؟ كتيب باللغة الإنجليزية ، ألفه الدكتور هيثم سرحان، يبين فيه عظمة النبي صلى

Who was Prophet Muhammad, and what did he teach us? Read More »

Sunan Fitrah Eglish Translation

Share this book                    سنن الفطرة: مطوية باللغة ال ، من إعداد فضيلة الشيخ الدكتور هيثم سرحان، يذكر فيها جملة من سنن الفطرة التي هي الصفات التي خلق الله الناس عليها مع ذكر الدليل عليها. Sunan Alfitrah: a pamphlet in … by His Eminence Dr. Haitham Sarhan, listing several of sunan alfitrah (practices dictated by

Sunan Fitrah Eglish Translation Read More »

The young muslim

Share this book                  Book: The Young Muslim: A book in the English Language, a publication of the website ‘I play and I learn’ which is supervised by Shaykh Haytham Sarhān. It is a text which comprises of the fundamentals of Islam and Mannerisms for a young Muslim. It has been made in a beautiful and

The young muslim Read More »

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