The month of Allah Muharram - English
شهر الله المُحَرَّم The month of Allah Muharram إنجليزية English The month of Allah, Muharram, is the firstmonth of the Islamic year and one of thefour sacred months mentioned by Allah, theMost High, when He said (meaning), “Thenumber of months with Allah is twelvemonths in the Book of Allah [from] the dayHe created the heavens and the earth. Ofthese, four are sacred. They are Dhul-Qi’dah, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram, and Rajab,as the Prophet, may Allah bless him andgrant him...
The month of Allah Muharram - English
شهر الله المُحَرَّم
The month of Allah Muharram
The month of Allah, Muharram, is the first
month of the Islamic year and one of the
four sacred months mentioned by Allah, the
Most High, when He said (meaning), “The
number of months with Allah is twelve
months in the Book of Allah [from] the day
He created the heavens and the earth. Of
these, four are sacred. They are Dhul-
Qi’dah, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram, and Rajab,
as the Prophet, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, explained. One of the great
honors of this month is that the Prophet ﷺ
added it to the name of Allah, the Most High.
He called it the month of Muharram to
honor and glorify it. Abu Hurairah, may Allah
be pleased with him, said that the
Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “The best
fasting after Ramadan is the month of Allah,
Muharram. And the best prayer after the
obligatory prayer is the night prayer.”

The month of Allah Muharram - English
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