Tuesday 7/16/2024 is the Day of Ashura of the Month of Muharram
Tuesday 7/16/2024 is the Day of Ashura of the Month of Muharram Its virtue: It expiates the sins of the previous year [Sahih Muslim] The Sunnah is to fast with the ninth of Muharram 7/15/2024, or the eleventh 7/17/2024 ...
Tuesday 7/16/2024 is the Day of Ashura of the Month of Muharram
Tuesday 7/16/2024 is the Day of Ashura of the Month of Muharram
Its virtue: It expiates the sins of the previous year
[Sahih Muslim]
The Sunnah is to fast with the ninth of Muharram 7/15/2024, or the eleventh 7/17/2024
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Tuesday 7/16/2024 is the Day of Ashura of the Month of Muharram
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