The young muslim
المسلم الصغير Book: The Young Muslim: A book in the English Language, a publication of the website 'I play and I learn' which is supervised by Shaykh Haytham Sarhān. It is a text which comprises of the fundamentals of Islam and Mannerisms for a young Muslim. It has been made in a beautiful and effective manner which allows the child to enjoy and benefit from the book. ...
The young muslim
المسلم الصغير
Book: The Young Muslim: A book in the English Language, a publication of the website 'I play and I learn' which is supervised by Shaykh Haytham Sarhān. It is a text which comprises of the fundamentals of Islam and Mannerisms for a young Muslim. It has been made in a beautiful and effective manner which allows the child to enjoy and benefit from the book.

The young muslim
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