Summary of rights called for by Fitrah (instinct/natural disposition) and approved by the Shari’ah (Islamic legislation) in the English language. By Ibn Uthaymeen - may Allah have mercy on him. 1- The rights of Allah the Most High: To worship Him Alone without any partners, and that you be a humble, submissive worshipper to Him, obeying His commands, avoiding His prohibitions, and believing in what He informed us about. It is a perfect Aqeedah (Islamic creed), belief in the truth,...
Summary of rights called for by Fitrah (instinct/natural disposition) and approved by the Shari’ah (Islamic legislation) in the English language. By Ibn Uthaymeen - may Allah have mercy on him.
1- The rights of Allah the Most High:
To worship Him Alone without any partners, and that you be a humble, submissive worshipper to Him, obeying His commands, avoiding His prohibitions, and believing in what He informed us about. It is a perfect Aqeedah (Islamic creed), belief in the truth, and righteous fruitful deeds. It’s an Aqeedah based on love and glorification; its fruit is sincerity and perseverance.
2- The rights of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ:
The right of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ is to be honored, respected, and glorified appropriately without exaggeration nor deficiency.
Also believing him in what he has informed us about past and future events, doing what he commanded us to do, avoiding what he prohibited, believing that his guidance is the perfect guidance, and defending his Sharee’ah (Islamic legislation) and guidance.
3- The rights of the Parents:
Be righteous to them by treating them with goodness in word and deed, with money and the body, and obeying their commands in that which is not disobedience to Allah and doesn't cause any harm to you.
4- The rights of children:
1- Upbringing: it is the development of religion and morals in their hearts to a high standard.
2- To spend on them in a reasonable manner, without extravagance nor negligence.
3- Not to give preference to any of them over the other in spending and gifts.
5- The rights of relatives:
To uphold ties of kinship with kindness by using your social position, physical efforts to benefit them, and financially depending on how close and needy they are.
6- The rights of spouses:
To live with each other in a kind manner and give the right that is due to him with tolerance and ease without any compulsion or procrastination in fulfilling each other’s rights.
Among the rights of the wife over her husband: that he fulfils the duty of spending on her in terms of food, drink, clothing, housing and so on, and that he treats all his wives equally.
Among the husband’s rights over his wife: that she obeys him in that which is not disobedience of Allah, protects his secrets and wealth, and does not do something that would spoil his complete enjoyment.
7- The rights of rulers and subjects:
The rights of the subjects on the rulers: to carry out the trust that Allah has given them and obligated upon them, such as advising their subjects and taking them on the right path that guarantees their benefit in this world and the hereafter, and that is by following the path of the believers.
The rights of rulers over the subjects are: advising them in what a person is responsible for in their affairs, reminding them if they become negligent, making Du’a’ (praying) for them if they deviate from the truth, obeying their commands in that which is not disobedience to Allah, and helping them.
8- The rights of the neighbors:
A neighbor is someone who lives close to you. You should be good to him with what you can using money, social position, and help. You should also refrain from any verbal or physical harm.
1- If he is a relative and a Muslim, he has three rights: the right of the neighbor, the right of kinship, and the right of Islam.
2- If he is a Muslim but not a relative, he has two rights: the right of the neighbor and the right of Islam.
3- Likewise, if he is a relative and is not a Muslim, he has two rights: the right of the neighbor and the right of kinship.
4- If he is not related and is a non-Muslim, he has only one right: the right of the neighbor.
9- The rights of Muslims in general:
From them is: giving Salam; if he invites you, accept the invitation; if he asks you for advice, advise him; if he sneezes and says 'Alhamdulillah', say 'Yarhamukallah'; if he is sick, visit him; if he dies, follow his funeral; avoid causing him any harm.
The rights of a Muslim over a Muslim are many, and they can be summarized in meaning by the Prophet's ﷺ saying: “A Muslim is a brother to a Muslim." Fulfilling the requirements of this brotherhood will make a person strive to seek all goodness for his Muslim brother and avoid anything that harms him.
10-The rights of non-Muslims:
A Muslim ruler must rule over them with the law of Islam in their lives, wealth, and honor, set limits on them according to what is Haram (forbidden), and he must protect them and not harm them.
The disbelievers must be distinguished from Muslims in dress code. Also, they must not show (i.e., publicly) anything objectionable in Islam or any of the rituals of their religion, like the bell or the cross.
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