Summary of rights called for by Fitrah

Summary of rights called for by Fitrah

ملخص حُقوق دعت إليها الفطرة وقرَّرتها الشريعة باللغة العربية لابن عثيمين رحمه الله Summary of rights called for by Fitrah (instinct/natural disposition) and approved by the Shari’ah (Islamic legislation) in the English language. By Ibn Uthaymeen - may Allah have mercy on him. 1ـ حقُّ الله تعالى أن تعبده وحده لا شريك له، وتكون عبدًا متذللا خاضعا له، ممتثلا لأمره،...

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Summary of rights called for by Fitrah

Summary of rights called for by Fitrah

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